Career Exploration

Career Exploration involves an understanding of our personal interests, strengths or abilities (academic, interpersonal, emotional, physical…) and an understanding of which careers utilize those interests and abilities.

Career and personal exploration are ongoing processes. Most students and adults will have many different career ideas and will pursue a number of them in their adult lives.  A Bureau of Labor Statistics report released in 2010 found that 18-44 year olds in their longitudinal study averaged 11 jobs. Additionally, Penn State University reports that up to 50 percent of college students change majors during their college career. Some change their majors more than once.

We encourage students to explore PA CareerZone and the Occupational Outlook Handbook. They should also work thoughtfully during their Career Prep. course in their 11th grade year. Many aspects of career exploration, picking schools for post-secondary education and financing that education is covered in that class.

Career Links

PA Career Zone Help

The PA CareerZone provides Pennsylvania specific information about careers, living costs, occupational salaries, and demand. It is targeted for student use and can be used in a classroom setting.


PA CareerZone features a 3-step process:

  1. Explore (students learn about themselves through a Holland interest assessment and discover the career options available to them using O-NET data, and the training that will prepare them)
  2. Decide (compare types of colleges and postsecondary training, fields of study, vocational and technical schools, scholarships and financial aid, and college prep testing)
  3. Grow (access a student’s portfolio containing information they have gathered through the exercises in the other two areas, as well as job application tools and budgeting how-to’s)

This resource is intended for use with students in grades 9-12.