
Transition Overview

What is Secondary transition?

Secondary transition is the process of preparing students, who have qualified for special education services, for life after they leave high school. The areas of focus are post-secondary education or training, employment, and independent living. These three areas are often referred to as “post-secondary outcomes” and are the driving force behind Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) written for students in high school. In Pennsylvania, transition planning begins for students at age 14.

Q: When should transition planning begin?

A: Transition planning will begin when a student turns 14.  Middle school students should explore what they want to do after they graduate from high school. 

How will students begin planning?

  • Career exploration (interest surveys)
  • Job exploration
  • Job shadowing
  • SUN Tech visitations beginning in 9th grade
  • College exploration

Q: What does transition planning involve?

A: Transition planning is a team process with the student, family, community agencies, employers, and school personnel.

Q: What are the steps in planning for transition?

A: The IEP team will utilize the Planning for the Future Checklist (click here) when planning for transition from high school to adult life.

In the present levels of the IEP, interest inventories and career explorations are discussed while Section III, Transition Services, outlines the goals, services, and activities.

“Nothing about be me without me!”

Mrs. Ashley Whary

My name is Ashley Whary and I am currently in my eighth year of teaching. The 2016-2017 school year marks my seventh year as a teacher at the Selinsgrove Area School District. During my time at SASD I served as the high school life skills teacher for four years and I currently serve as the Seals Den teacher and transition coordinator. I have also served as a mentor for the induction program for three years.
My education:
Curriculum & Instruction
Career and Tech Ed.
Concorida University-2013B.S.
Elementary Education
Special Education
Elizabethtown College-2009
“There needs to be a lot more emphasis on what a child can do instead of what he cannot do.”
Dr. Temple Grandin

As the transition coordinator, my role is to support teachers and students in the development of student transition plans. I coordinate transition services and activities for students who are receiving special education services. As a member of the Union/Snyder Transition Council we work together to plan and fundraise for a biannual transition conference for juniors and seniors in the local school districts. This council also works together with school districts and community agencies to assist students in reaching their post-secondary goals.


Contact Information




Independent Living

Students that have an independent living goal will work on functional life skills such as personal hygiene, maintaining a house, time management, reaction and leisure, safety, budgeting, transportation, cooking, etc.



Students may choose employment as their post-secondary outcomes. It is the responsibility of the IEP team members to ensure the students are taking courses that will provide applicable vocational skills. Students and IEP team members also need to monitor student grades and course selections to work towards successfully obtaining their high school degree. Examples of employment may be competitive, self-customized, or supported).



This area of transition focuses on students that are interested in receiving further education upon graduation. Students may receive this education at entities such as universities, community colleges, technical schools, military, etc.. Students and IEP teams will be responsible for monitoring course selections, academic performance, study skills, career exploration, etc.




Junior Transition Clinics


Biannual Transition Conference (Juniors and Seniors)


Seals Den



Did you know that your son needs to register for the selective service at age 18? Young men at the age of 18 are REQUIRED (no matter a student’s disability) to signup for the selective services. It is a simple registration process. Learn more about the process and register here:

Selective Services Registration


What is secondary transition?

Secondary Transition


A guide to student transition planning:


Nation Parent Center on Transition:

PACER Transition


PA ABLE Savings Program






Supports for adults with Autism


Columbia Montour Snyder Union counties of Central Pennsylvania Service System 

Services for individuals with intellectual disabilities, mental health, drug & alcohol, crisis/emergency, family/caregiver/supports info, and employment opportunities.


Hope Enterprises

Hope provides programs and services for individuals who have developmental disabilities such as job coaching, work opportunities and programs.


Living Unlimited Inc.

Living Unlimted Inc. offers community based programs and services to support individuals with intellectual disabilities, physical disabilities, autism, etc.


Office of Vocational Rehabilitation(OVR) -Williamsport

OVR provides guidance, evaluation, training, and support to secure a competitive job—it is our mission to support Pennsylvanians with disabilities in obtaining and maintaining competitive work.


Pennyslvania Career Link

PA Career Link is a resouce of preparing for and obtaining employment.


The Shared Ride Coordinator for Union and Snyder Counties. It is a multi-county municipal transportation authority.


Special Kids Network 

In partnership with the Pennsylvania Elks Home Service Program, helps children and youth with special health care needs and disabilities get the services and support they require in order to thrive in their community and develop to their full potential.



An organization that provides supported and community integrated employment services.



UCP currently provides both community and center-based programs and services in 17 Central Pennsylvania counties, serving nearly 4,000 people with disabilities and their family.
