Alternative Education


Placements in the Selinsgrove Area School District Alternative Education Program are temporary in nature, should be considered only when all other avenues have been exhausted and the student needs to be removed temporarily due to severe or persistent behavioral problems that require more intensive intervention services. The goal of the SASD Alternative Education program is to continue providing education services along with behavioral interventions to overcome the disruptive behavior and return students to the regular school environment.


Placement in Alternative Education

AEDY programs are designed for seriously and persistently
disruptive students. By law, districts may refer students to AEDY programs only if, at the time of the recommended transfer, they demonstrate, to a marked degree, any of the following conditions:


(1) disregard for school authority, including persistent violation of school policy and rules;
(2) display or use of controlled substances on school property or during school activities;
(3) violent or threatening behavior on school property or during school-affiliated activities;
(4) possession of a weapon on school property, as defined under 18 Pa. C.S. §912;
(5) commission of a criminal act on school property or during school-affiliated activities;
(6) misconduct that would merit suspension or expulsion under school policy; and,

Students in grades 8-12 are eligible for placement in the Selinsgrove AEDY Program. The program must enable all students to make normal academic progress and to meet the requirements for graduation in the school district. Placement in the SASD AEDY program should be considered only after all other options for improving behavior have been exhausted. This includes the use of the school’s Student Assistance Program.