Screening Info

Screening and Evaluation Information


To identify students who may be eligible for special education, various screening activities are conducted. Routine screening of a child’s hearing is completed in Kindergarten through third grades. Subsequent screenings occur in seventh and eleventh grades. Vision screening is done at every grade level. Speech and Language concerns are screened during Kindergarten Registration, fourth grade, as well as on a referral basis. Teachers continually assess gross-motor, fine-motor, academic and social/emotional skills.


If progress is not made with the involvement of the Instructional Support Team, the District will seek parental consent to conduct a Multidisciplinary Evaluation (MDE). The team will make recommendations for interventions to meet the student’s specific needs and this requires parental involvement. Parents are invited to participate in the development of the evaluation process and the development of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) for the purpose of determining eligibility, specially-designed instruction and appropriate educational placement. If the parents disagree with the recommendations of the IEP Team, they may initiate due process procedures by noting disapproval on the Notice of Recommended Educational Placement (NOREP).

Services of Preschool Children

Act 212, The Early Intervention Services System Act, entitles all preschool children with disabilities (ages three to the age of district enrollment) to appropriate early intervention services. The Pennsylvania Department of Education is responsible for providing programs and services to children. For further information, contact the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit Preschool Program at 570-523-1155, ext. 2221.

Procedural Safeguards

Information about early intervention parents rights, mediation, due process, special education programs, and the education records is available upon request from the building principals, office of Special Education or by clicking here.