Department Overview
For those students living in the bus riding area, the school district will provide transportation to and from the student’s assigned loading and unloading zone to the school they attend. All students who are assigned to ride a school bus will be assigned a seat on his/her particular bus and are expected to sit in that seat every day.
Requesting Changes to Loading/Unloading Zones
Requests for temporary changes in loading/unloading zones may be considered for students to be transported to locations other than their assigned loading/unloading zone if the following criteria are met:
Requests must be submitted by the parent or legal guardian of the student on the form (listed below) provided by the school district and received by the students assigned building at least three (3) days prior to the requested change in transportation service.
This form is good for 1 school year. A new form is required every time there is a change and before the beginning of each year
Request to Use Different Bus Route
The change must be able to be provided by using established school bus/vehicle routes at no additional cost or additional mileage of the school bus/vehicle. The school bus/vehicle must have available seating capacity for additional students. The requested loading or unloading zone for the student does not have to be at the same location, but the student must use the same bus/vehicle for transportation to and from school.
1. Family Emergencies or Parents Out of Town: Requests will only be considered if unassigned seats are available. Approval of requests will be considered for a minimum of three (3) consecutive school days.
2. Working Parent(s) or Custody Orders: Requests will only be considered if unassigned seats are available. Individuals making the request will be expected to present a regularly assigned work schedule or custody order. The request must involve a consistent and regular change for the entire school year. Approved changes will remain in effect for the school year unless documentation of a change in status is provided at least three (3) days in advance of a new request.
Contact the Transportation Coordinator for questions.
Mark Wolfberg – Transportation Coordinator Ext. 3608 (Administrative Office hours are M-F 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. with some modification on non-school days and in the summer. Main phone number: (570) 374-1144. then press 5 followed by the extension.)