School Bus Discipline Plan

School Bus Discipline Plan

The Selinsgrove Area School District and the school bus drivers have initiated a “School Bus Discipline Plan”. Parents are urged to support the school in an effort to transport students to and from school in a safe manner. When a student chooses to disrupt the bus, he/she is jeopardizing the safety of the other students and disciplinary action will take place.

When a problem is reported, an investigation and a determination is made by the school administrator concerning the extent to which a student is involved. Once this is determined, action will be taken using the consequences in the plan.

1st Reported Violation – The student will be sent to the Principal and a follow-up letter will be sent to the parents. The student and the administrator will review behavior expectations for riding the bus.

2nd Reported Violation – The student will be sent to the principal and a phone conference may take place with parents. A letter to the parents will indicate that continued violations may result in suspension of bus riding privileges.

3rd Reported Violation – The student will be sent to the principal for disciplinary action. Parents will be notified if bus riding privileges are to be suspended. Parents will be responsible for providing transportation to and from school. A parent and/or child conference will take place prior to resuming the riding of the bus.

Continued Violations – Continued violations will mean additional suspensions which may lead to permanent suspension from bus riding privileges for the school year.